SP ENergy Networks


SP Energy Networks is extending the consultation period for the proposed Cross Border Connection - Gala North to Scottish Border – until the 23rd of December 2024.

The decision to extend the deadline follows 13 public consultation events across the Scottish Borders and presentations to Community Councils, as well as engagement with Scottish Borders Council and allows people and groups more time to review the information and feed-back their views. Cross Border Connection is a proposed electrical connection comprising of a planned Teviot substation, steel towers and 400kV overhead line. The preferred route being consulted on will run north-south from a proposed substation in Gala North to a point at the Scotland - England border, south of Newcastleton. The Cross Border Connection project is a joint development between SP Energy Networks (and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) with SP Energy Networks developing the section of the connection in Scotland, and NGET delivering the connection in England. The two parties are working closely and coordinating the crossing at the border with NGET’s proposals in England at a very early stage of development

SP Energy Networks has sent information leaflets to local homes and businesses, and an online virtual public consultation is available via our dedicated website.

People can give feedback or request consultation materials by the following ways: ·

Online at the project website:




Calling the project Freephone number 020 3861 3742